President Nan McFadgen Phone: 902-759-3231 [email protected]. As an active volunteer in many groups, particularly those concerned with public health and human rights and equity Joy was the recipient of the. Check out the “Travel and Play” category on the app to save hundreds on your next trip. Proper selection of respiratory protection must be completed by a qualified individual who has performed a full hazard analysis of the worksite and tasks. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and Committees;We are the Support Staff for the Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education (C. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023On Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 CUPE Nova Scotia will be holding a celebration of International Women’s Day! We will first gather at the CUPE Atlantic Regional Office (271 Brownlow Avenue in Dartmouth) at 6:00pm and then march to. E. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023CUPE NS Updates. CUPE Nova Scotia observes April 28th as a day to mourn and remember those who lost their lives or suffered injuries on the job. CUPE Nova Scotia members are encouraged to attend the upcoming Halifax Pride event, featuring LGBTIQ refugee advocate Mariano Ruiz. Burbidge is a dedicated health care worker and advocate. CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023!. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023National AccessAbility Week 2023. Defined benefit pension plans are the best and most efficient way to provide a secure and predictable income for CUPE members and all Canadian workers. 2017 NSSBA Pension Member Handbook. com . Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023Check out the “Exclusive Offers” to CUPE NS and save $250 per year (or more) with public sector cell phone rates from Rogers and Telus. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and CommitteesCUPE is pleased that a decision has been made that establishes the hourly rate for all unionized LPNs in the province. ca) when forwarding your concerns to any level. September 27, 2022September 13, 2022. May 29, 2023. The conference will open with an evening plenary at 5:30 p. CUPE Nova Scotia is calling on the McNeil government to immediately increase funding to all publicly-funded long-term care facilities, so they reach a minimum staff funding of 4. Aaron Pottier, CUPE 2272 CSAP. Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and Committees. Contact us. January 31, 2023. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023. CUPE NS Updates. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023“This is good news and we should all take a moment to celebrate the government’s public commitment to the universal child care system that early childhood educators and child care activists have lobbied government for more than 20 years,” says CUPE Nova Scotia President Nan McFadgen. 5% of CUPE 3912 MSVU members that voted supported the February 10, 2023 Tentative Agreement. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023;CUPE NS Updates. Nova Scotia public schools are preparing for a. CUPE Nova Scotia. CUPE NS Convention Bulletin – May 29. Updated September 23, 2020. CUPE NS Updates. CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023;CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Retirement Dinner Photos; Wednesday March 29th: a story shared from one of our members; Quick Links. February 15, 2023. They’re an essential part of Canada’s pension system. To find out more information about your benefits, or to download forms, download the Blue Cross member booklet. CUPE Nova Scotia would like to remind our members that the deadline to register for Convention 2023 (May 28th-31st at the Membertou Trade and Convention Centre) is Monday, May 7th, which is also the deadline for resolutions, as outlined in the Read. Passcode: 496082. Talks between the Health Support Bargaining Unit and Nova Scotia Health and the IWK have reached an impasse, with unions filing for conciliation in hopes of securing a new collective agreement for more than 3,000 health care workers across the province. General Meeting Notice. Download a copy of this bargaining update . R. CUPE Nova Scotia. Rest in power, Sean. As reported in the last update, the conciliation report was. Library Apply Library filter (138)+. The union represents approximately 140 members who work at Transit Cape. We are very pleased to welcome Claudia. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and CommitteesCUPE Nova Scotia. The voice will also give instructions on how to mute and unmute which is *6. COVID-19 has been with us for more than 18 months now and has taken a toll on workers in most sectors. Other Pension. CUPE NS Updates. ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and Committees; Happy Pride Month from CUPE Nova Scotia!CUPE Nova Scotia. The CUPE NS Long Term Care and Community Services Coordinating Committee works to represent affiliated locals in aspects related to legislation, collective bargaining, and other provincial matters related to the sectors. lndividuals planning enrollment at an accredited post-secondary institution in the 2018-2019 academic year may make application. The hourly rate calculation was referred back to Arbitrator Lafferty. She has worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse for over 35 years. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers. CUPE 4963 members employed by Queens Association for Supported Living in Liverpool Nova Scotia voted 92 per cent in favour of strike action yesterday. CUPE Nova Scotia wishes to express our solidarity with the more than 600 striking NSGEU educational workers (Local 73) from the Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education, in addition to about 130 workers (Local 70) from the South Shore Regional Centre for Education. Website: Facebook:. April 24, 2023. If you have questions or concerns about your benefits, please speak to any member of the executive. Nova Scotia Government held a press conference regarding three presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 in Nova Scotia and additional measures to support virus containment. CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and CommitteesCUPE Nova Scotia and our Human Rights Committee are proud to highlight the work of our Black union community during African Heritage Month. CUPE Nova Scotia marks World Water Day 2023 by reminding our members and fellow Nova Scotians of the importance of sustainable access to fresh water. Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and Committees. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023;CUPE Nova Scotia is pleased to welcome 75 Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants and Independent Course Appointees employed by the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design to Local 3912. COMING UP: LTC & DCS – DAY OF ACTION – APRIL 5, 2023. CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and CommitteesCUPE Nova Scotia Executive Board 2023-24. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; View more ». 2nd row: Gerard Matthews, CUPE 955 Strait. CUPE Nova Scotia. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and CommitteesCUPE Nova Scotia and the Long Term Care Coordinating Committee want to do our part in supporting social distancing. CUPE NS Executive Board as of June 1, 2022. com . School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and Committees; Happy Pride Month from CUPE Nova Scotia! CUPE NS Convention Bulletin – May 30On Wednesday, May 17, the Health Support Bargaining Unit (Unifor, NSGEU and CUPE ) reached an impasse in bargaining a new collective agreement with Nova Scotia Health and the IWK. Occupational Health and Safety Committee. We encourage you and your local to consider nominating members for. 1 Hours of Hands-On Care Daily. Download a copy of this factsheet on workplace violence from an outsider. Inside workers with Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM), represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 933, voted on September 15 to reject the tentative agreement offered by the employer. 5% increase each year, with an additional 1% on the last day of the contract, and an increase to shift and weekend premiums of 10 cents an. CUPE Nova Scotia has once again signed on as a premier sponsor of the annual Read more […] Categories Political Action, Privatization Tags municipal, NSFM. In preparation for the 2022 round of bargaining, your CUPE local and the NSSBCU needs your input on your priorities in this upcoming round. com . ·. The. Vice-PresidentNova Scotia’s 7,500 health care workers have spent the past year-and-a-half providing outstanding service to help protect and care for their fellow citizens through the COVID-19 pandemic. CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023;Municipal workers with Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM), represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) local 759, reached a tentative agreement with their employer yesterday. He has sat. Vice-President Dianne Frittenburg Phone: 902-521-7782 [email protected]. February 18, 2023. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and CommitteesIt is with deep sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Sean Foley, CUPE Nova Scotia’s northern area vice-president, on June 11, 2022. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia. CUPE Nova Scotia. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and CommitteesDecember 8, 2020. Workplace Violence takes many forms and understanding the types of violence workers may be exposed to is an important first step in preventing it. CUPE National Representative Tammy Martin says, “After three days of bargaining, we are a long way from reaching a deal. May 16, 2023 by mattmacdonaldns. Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day!CUPE NS Updates. CUPE NS Updates. Respiratory Protection Fact Sheet. CUPE LOCAL 5054. S. The precautionary principle, as outlined by Justice Campbell following the SARS crisis in 2003, says that in the absence of scientific certainty we must err on. *No ZOOM for this meeting in person ONLY* Hope to. CUPE Nova Scotia has established a $1,000 bursary that will be awarded annually to a CUPE member, Read more […] Categories Convention 2022 Tags Convention 2022. The Lead Table met with the Employer Committee in Conciliation on Friday, March 31st, where a Tentative Agreement was reached. Spaces available. BARGAINING COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS. October 20, 2021. HALIFAX-In the early hours of August 16, 2022, the Health Support Bargaining Unit (Unifor, NSGEU and CUPE) reached a tentative agreement with Nova Scotia Health and IWK. This should be done in writing and, please copy the union ([email protected] 11, 2023. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023NS Long-Term Care: Tentative Agreement Reached. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023When a person leaves a violent relationship, sometimes the workplace can be the only place where the estranged partner knows where to find their target. CUPE Nova Scotia. m. Every Canadian deserves to retire in dignity with a decent retirement income. Thank you for your contribution every day to public services in Nova Scotia, especially during this pandemic when challenges are faced and conquered daily to serve Nova Scotians. CUPE Nova Scotia Executive Board 2023-24. “The bargaining committee was. CUPE’s “lead table” bargaining committee met with the employer’s bargaining team on April 25 and 26, May 25, and June 28. In 2021, Tim Houston rallied voters with the promise of fixing that health care. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023. educational support workers this morning, staving off a strike. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and CommitteesElection results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and Committees. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023. O. Today, May 17th, CUPE Nova Scotia observes the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. Our sincere condolences to his family, friends, co-workers, and union members. In response to the damage that hurricane Fiona has inflicted on our province, CUPE Nova Scotia has created a relief fund to provide financial assistance to members who have suffered losses due to the [email protected]. Local 3618 – Ivy Meadows Continuing Care Home. CUPE Nova Scotia is pleased to celebrate National AccessAbility Week, which celebrates the contributions of people with disabilities and promotes efforts to increase accessibility and inclusion in our communities and workplaces. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023; Election results: 2023 CUPE NS Division Executive and Committees;May 1, 2023 May 1, 2023 When: May 7th, 2023 at 2:00pm Location: Our Lady of Fatima (1452 Kings Road, Sydney River) Agenda: – Elect delegates for the CUPE NS Convention *As always we will have our four door prizes*. The ruling on the proper hourly rate for LPNs, after the 12% is applied, is $30. Our office telephone number is (902) 455-4180. Cindy Courtney, CUPE 3876 Annapolis Valley. Deadline for Convention 2023 registration and resolutions. Contact information. Additionally, The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour is offering bursaries which can be Read more […] Attention CUPE local executives! The call for CUPE Nova Scotia’s 2023 Convention in. We remember and honour those who were lost, and call on all people to take action to end this national crisis. Details about the application process have been sent to locals. CUPE NS Updates. T. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023CUPE NS Updates. For more information visit – To: The Honourable Zach Churchill, Minister of. Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023. “Sixteen months of organizing efforts paid off for this group of 388 workers, despite the objections raised by the employer that were. February 22, 2023 February 15, 2023 by mjohhston Yesterday, CUPE Nova Scotia President Nan McFadgen spoke in front of the Standing Committee on Health at the Nova Scotia Legislature to emphasize the importance of ensuring all Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities reach a minimum of 4. Local 3454 – Shoreham Village Senior Citizens’ Home. CUPE Local 2722 members rally outside MLA Colton LeBlanc’s office in Tusket, Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023 (Aaron Pottier) HALIFAX — CUPE School Support workers across Nova Scotia have voted 97. CUPE Nova Scotia is proud to be a part of the Child Care Now Nova Scotia coalition, which was founded to advocate for a universal, comprehensive, publicly funded, high quality, affordable, accessible, accountable, and not-for-profit early learning and child care system in Nova Scotia. CUPE Nova Scotia 2023 Convention Call. Recording Secretary Mallory Axworthy [email protected] 6, 2023 April 6, 2023 by mjohhston HALIFAX — CUPE’s Nova Scotia School Board Council of Unions (NSSBCU) and the central bargaining committee representing Nova Scotia’s Regional Centres for Education and the CSAP will be in a legal strike/lock-out position as of 12:01 am, Read more […]May 18, 2022May 19, 2022. Post navigation. Are you someone who:CUPE school support staff – Personnel de soutien scolaire du SCFP. 3 million/year to private facilities such as Telus Health; instead, properly fund Nova Scotia Health to provide the services itself. Happy Canada Day from CUPE Nova Scotia; CUPE Nova Scotia attends Truro Pride 2023! ECEs need a pension! School support workers and HRCE reach tentative agreement; Photo Booth from CUPE Nova Scotia Convention 2023March 19, 2023. Local 3306 – Nova Scotia Home for Coloured Children. Members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3912 at Dalhousie University (Dal) have voted 77% in favour of their new four-year collective agreement. CUPE Nova Scotia Convention. Vice-President Dianne Frittenburg Phone: 902-521-7782 [email protected]. elect delegates for the CUPE NS Convention held in May 2023; and elect up to 3 delegates to attend the Atlantic Week Long School for Executive Members in. CUPE Women: Leading, Organizing, Resisting will take place March 12-15, 2023 in Vancouver. m. CUPE’s education locals, known collectively as the Nova Scotia School Board Council of Unions (NSSBCU), represents members working for all seven Regional Centres of Education and the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial. Energy Apply Energy filter (49)+. CUPE affiliated members: The CUPE Nova Scotia Awards Committee is pleased to circulate the 2021 awards, scholarships and bursary applications. The Nova Scotia Labour Relations Board today certified the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) as the union for Paladin Security workers who work under contract for the Nova Scotia Health Authority. ABOUT US NEWS RESOURCES EDUCATION. ” “In long-term care, the budget allocated funding for. Attention CUPE local executives! The call for CUPE Nova Scotia’s 2023 Convention in Membertou has been sent out. A meet and mingle with light refreshments will take place before the conference opens on Sunday from 4:00-5:30 pm. On Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 CUPE Nova Scotia will be holding a celebration of International Women’s Day! We will first gather at the CUPE Atlantic Regional Office (271 Brownlow Avenue in Dartmouth) at 6:00pm and then march to the Best Western at 15 Spectacle Lake Drive. Ottawa, Ontario K1G 0Z7 Tel: (613) 237-1590 Fax: (613) 237-5508 Toll free: (844) 237-1590CUPE NS Updates. lt is the applicant’s sole responsibility to ensure that the application is made correctly, legibly and in a timely manner. 3rd row: Dwayne Sarty, CUPE 4682 South Shore. CUPE Nova Scotia has engaged in a number of successful recent campaigns, including a move to ban bottled water in order to promote public tap water.